Which would produce a greater number of Calories- a pound of lean meat or a pound of butter? Why is it so?

A pound of butter since butter has more fat than lean meat does.

a pound of butter since lean meat has less fat than a pound of butter therefore a pound of butter has more calories

Aidan is smart

so is bob

wa know its technicly the same thing

WOW this saved my butt in health today thx!

doofy reporting for doody: how may i help ? lady: get of my lawn you ##########################!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hjgb...hi to you

This is because butter has more fat than the lean meat

butter like its hot and cool 😁😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇


which one is your favorit color

Why you all so smart

thank you so much for helping me this is a life saver