Sarah and Billy are waiters at Jill's Grill. During the night shift, Sarah makes $86.00 in tips, while Billy makes $102.00. What percentage of Billy tips did Sarah make?

(a) 82%
(b) 84%
(c) 86%
(d) 88%

86 = x(102)

x = 86/102 = .842
100 x = percent = 84.2 %

thanks Damon

did you set up a porportion

No, but I could

86/102 = x/100

x = 100 (86/102)

To find the percentage of Billy's tips that Sarah made, we need to calculate Sarah's tips as a percentage of Billy's tips.

1. Step 1: Calculate Sarah's tips as a percentage of Billy's tips.
* Divide Sarah's tips by Billy's tips: $86.00 / $102.00 = 0.8431 (rounded to four decimal places)
* Multiply the result by 100 to convert it to a percentage: 0.8431 * 100 = 84.31%

2. Step 2: Compare the calculated percentage to the given options.
The closest option to 84.31% is (b) 84%.

Therefore, the answer is option (b) 84%.