On Monday, Casey ran 5 miles. On Tues, she ran three and three fifths miles. How much further did she run on Mon than Tues? Then, on Wednesday she ran four and one half miles. How much further did she run on Wed than on Tues? Could someone show me how I would figure this out? Thank You.

How much further did she run on Mon than Tues?

5 - 3 3/5 = 1 2/5

Can you get the second answer now?

To figure out how much further Casey ran on Monday than on Tuesday, you need to subtract the distance Casey ran on Tuesday from the distance she ran on Monday.

Distance run on Monday = 5 miles
Distance run on Tuesday = 3 and 3/5 miles

To subtract mixed numbers, you need to convert them to the same format. In this case, we'll convert 5 miles to a mixed number.

5 miles = 4 and 4/5 miles

Now, you can subtract:

4 and 4/5 miles - 3 and 3/5 miles = (4 - 3) + (4/5 - 3/5) = 1 + 1/5 = 1 and 1/5 miles

Therefore, Casey ran 1 and 1/5 miles further on Monday than on Tuesday.

Now, let's figure out how much further Casey ran on Wednesday than on Tuesday.

Distance run on Wednesday = 4 and 1/2 miles
Distance run on Tuesday = 3 and 3/5 miles

To subtract mixed numbers, we'll convert 4 and 1/2 miles to a fraction.

4 and 1/2 miles = 4.5 miles

Now, you can subtract:

4.5 miles - 3 and 3/5 miles = 4.5 miles - (3 + 3/5) miles = 4.5 miles - (3.6 + 3/5) miles = 4.5 miles - 3.6 miles - 3/5 miles = (4.5 - 3.6) - (3/5) = 0.9 - (3/5) = 0.9 - 0.6 = 0.3 miles

Therefore, Casey ran 0.3 miles further on Wednesday than on Tuesday.