y= cotX / cosX-4

To simplify the expression y = cot(X) / (cos(X) - 4), let's break it down step by step.

Step 1: Let's simplify the denominator (cos(X) - 4).

Step 2: We cannot simplify the expression further using algebraic methods, so we can move on to evaluating the expression for specific values of X.

It's important to note that the values for X that make the denominator equal to zero (cos(X) - 4 = 0) would result in an undefined value for the expression since division by zero is undefined.

However, we can evaluate the expression for all other values of X.

Let's take an example:
Suppose X = π/4 (45 degrees).

Step 1: Evaluate the denominator (cos(X) - 4):
cos(π/4) - 4 = (√2/2) - 4 = (1.414/2) - 4 = -3.586

Step 2: Evaluate the expression y = cot(X) / (cos(X) - 4):
cot(π/4) / (-3.586)
cot(π/4) is equal to 1, so we have:
1 / (-3.586) = -0.279

Therefore, when X = π/4, y is equal to approximately -0.279.

You can follow these steps for any other specific value of X you have in mind to find the corresponding value of y.