During The early 1800s, the US tried to make peace with other countries in order to grow and delvope. Give 2 examples of these countries and what the US hoped to accomplish.

please help (:

Does The treaty of mortefontaine work here?


Yes, the Treaty of Mortefontaine may be included.

During the early 1800s, the United States pursued a policy of making peace with other countries to promote its growth and development. Two examples of countries with which the US aimed to establish peaceful relations during this time were Great Britain and France.

1. Great Britain: The US hoped to achieve improved trade relations and decrease tensions with Great Britain. At the time, there were lingering disputes between the two nations following the American Revolutionary War. The US sought to negotiate peaceful resolutions to issues such as trade restrictions, neutrality during European conflicts, and border disputes. By establishing cordial relations with Great Britain, the US aimed to foster economic growth and stability.

2. France: The US also sought to cultivate good relations with France during the early 1800s. Despite historical ties from the American Revolution, tensions rose between the two countries due to issues such as trade disruption resulting from the Napoleonic Wars. The US aimed to resolve differences, avoid armed conflicts, and promote trade with France. By establishing peaceful relations, the US hoped to expand economic opportunities and maintain stability.

To get more information and specifics regarding the US's efforts to make peace with Great Britain and France during the early 1800s, you can refer to historical sources such as books, articles, or online databases that focus on US foreign relations during that period.