Becoming a discerning consumer of research is something you can achieve by practicing good research skills and using your

A. critical thinking
B. education
C. resources
D. college library

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A, critical thinking

The answer is A. critical thinking.

To become a discerning consumer of research, you need to develop good research skills and utilize various tools and resources effectively. However, the most essential aspect is your critical thinking ability. Critical thinking allows you to evaluate and analyze the quality and credibility of the research and make informed judgments about its validity.

To practice critical thinking and become a discerning consumer of research, here are a few key steps:

1. Assess the source: Begin by evaluating the credibility and reputation of the source. Consider factors such as the author's expertise, affiliations, and publication history. Peer-reviewed journals, reputable research institutions, and well-established experts are generally reliable sources.

2. Evaluate the methodology: Examine the research methods employed. Look for details on sample size, data collection techniques, and potential biases that may influence the results. A well-designed study will account for confounding factors and provide transparent information about the research process.

3. Analyze the results: Look closely at the findings. Consider whether they align with previous research or if they present a significant departure. Assess the statistical analysis used and check if the results are adequately supported by the data. Identify any limitations or potential alternative explanations.

4. Consider the interpretation: Pay attention to how the authors interpret their findings. Determine if they provide balanced conclusions and acknowledge potential limitations or uncertainties. Look for any subjective language or excessive generalizations that may overstate the significance of the research.

5. Consult multiple sources: To develop a comprehensive understanding, consult multiple sources on the topic. Compare and contrast different perspectives, methodologies, and conclusions. This will help you identify the consensus and make more informed judgments.

By following these steps and continuously practicing critical thinking, you can become a discerning consumer of research. Your ability to evaluate the credibility, methods, results, and interpretations of research will allow you to make more informed decisions and draw reliable conclusions.