this is sorta unrelated but, if you are failing ELA in a 6th grade online homeschool will you be able to move on? Btw I am going to a new school so I am hoping to pass.

Also! I hope you can answer this question. I am looking it up but I'm very confused.

No idea.

You need to contact the new school you'll be attending to find out.

I am in the same boat and what will happen is you'll start on a clean slate in 7th grade

If you are failing your English Language Arts (ELA) course in 6th grade online homeschooling, whether or not you are able to move on to the next grade or school will depend on the specific policies and requirements of your new school. Generally, schools have their own guidelines and criteria for promotion to the next grade. It's best to reach out to the new school you will be attending and inquire about their expectations regarding academic performance and promotion.

However, even if you are allowed to move on, it's essential to address the areas where you are struggling in ELA. Falling behind in any subject can create challenges in the future. It's important to take the necessary steps to improve your knowledge and skills in ELA so that you can succeed academically.

Here are some suggestions to help you improve your ELA performance:

1. Identify areas of weakness: Determine which specific aspects of ELA you find challenging. Is it reading comprehension, writing, grammar, vocabulary, or something else? Identifying your weaknesses will help you focus your efforts more effectively.

2. Seek additional resources: There are many online resources, textbooks, practice exercises, and instructional videos available that can help you strengthen your skills in ELA. Look for resources aligned with your grade level and focus on the areas where you need the most support.

3. Ask for help: If you're enrolled in an online homeschool program, reach out to your teacher or learning coach for assistance. They can provide guidance, additional materials, or extra practice exercises. If possible, consider finding a tutor who specializes in ELA to provide personalized support.

4. Practice regularly: Consistent practice is key to improving your ELA skills. Set aside dedicated time each day to work on ELA exercises, read books, or practice writing. The more you engage with the subject, the more progress you'll make.

5. Seek feedback: Whenever possible, ask for feedback on your work. Whether it's from your teacher, parent, or even a fellow student, constructive feedback can help you understand areas that need improvement and guide your efforts.

Remember, it's natural to face challenges in learning, and seeking help and taking proactive steps to improve are important qualities for academic growth.