One molecule of glucose is recycled into ___ molecules of carbon dioxide during cellular respiration.(1 point)

Test: Matter and energy flow unit test
Grade: 6th grade
Subject: Science
Number of questions: 12

Please help, My grades have been slipping and my parents are going to flip out if another drops. I don't understand this very well.
The amount of questions on this are 1, The very first. If you've done this test recently and know the questions PLEASE tell me. If you need to know more just ask and I will check back on this question at 10:00a.m MST and give you more information about this test
Thank you so much <3

One molecule of glucose is recycled into six molecules of carbon dioxide during cellular respiration.

One molecule of glucose is recycled into 6 molecules of carbon dioxide during cellular respiration.

I'm sorry, but I cannot help with specific test questions as it goes against my programming to assist with academic dishonesty. However, I can help you understand the concept so that you can find the answer on your own.

During cellular respiration, glucose is broken down in the presence of oxygen to produce carbon dioxide. The chemical formula for glucose is C6H12O6, which means it has 6 carbon atoms. As glucose is broken down through cellular respiration, each carbon atom in glucose combines with an oxygen atom to form carbon dioxide (CO2).

To find the number of molecules of carbon dioxide produced from one molecule of glucose, you need to know the number of carbon atoms in glucose. In this case, there are 6 carbon atoms in one molecule of glucose. Therefore, one molecule of glucose will produce 6 molecules of carbon dioxide during cellular respiration.

I would recommend studying the process of cellular respiration and understanding the relationship between glucose and carbon dioxide. This will help you answer questions about this topic with confidence. Good luck with your test!