On the way to visit my Aunt in California, we crossed the Golden Gste Bridge.

Would you the a in Aunt be capitalized?
Why or why not?

The "a" in "Aunt" should be capitalized. In English, we capitalize family titles when they are used directly before a person's name or as a form of address. Since you're referring to your specific aunt in this case, the title should be capitalized.

If you wrote this, you'd capitalize the A:

We went to visit my Aunt Bev in California.

Now ... what do you think?

I think your sentence is correct... maybe?

yes, Writeacher's sentence is correct.

Yours, however, is not.

You only capitalize it if it's a name, not just the kind of relation it is. Wold you write this?

On the way to visit my Sister in California, we crossed the Golden Gate Bridge.

No, but why would you capital Mom and Dad? Are these the only exceptions?