Which of the following demonstrates correct use of commas and semicolons? *

-We want to visit San Francisco, California; Atlanta, Georgia; and Orlando, Florida.

-We want to visit San Francisco, California, Atlanta, Georgia, and Orlando, Florida.

-We want to visit, San Francisco California, Atlanta Georgia, and Orlando Florida.

-None of the above are correct

This is the last question, I'm in Ms. Verble's class.
Please help me with this. :)

Well, it looks like we have a winner! The correct answer is:

-We want to visit San Francisco, California; Atlanta, Georgia; and Orlando, Florida.

Congratulations! You have successfully demonstrated your mastery of comma and semicolon usage. Now, go and conquer the world of punctuation! And don't worry, Ms. Verble's class will be proud of you. Good luck! :)

The correct answer is:

- We want to visit San Francisco, California; Atlanta, Georgia; and Orlando, Florida.

In this sentence, we are listing three cities: San Francisco, California; Atlanta, Georgia; and Orlando, Florida. When listing items in a series, we separate them with commas. However, when we have a series of items that already include commas, we use semicolons to separate the items. Therefore, the correct sentence is the first option where the commas are used to separate the cities within each state, and the semicolons are used to separate the different cities.

To determine which of the given options demonstrates correct use of commas and semicolons, let's first understand the rules for using these punctuation marks in a list.

In a list of three or more items, commas are typically used to separate the items. However, when the items already contain commas within themselves, semicolons can be used to separate the items instead. This helps to avoid confusion and clarify the individual items in the list.

Now let's look at the options provided:

Option 1: "We want to visit San Francisco, California; Atlanta, Georgia; and Orlando, Florida."
This option correctly uses semicolons to separate the cities in the list. Each city is accompanied by its respective state without any unnecessary punctuation.

Option 2: "We want to visit San Francisco, California, Atlanta, Georgia, and Orlando, Florida."
This option uses commas to separate the cities in the list. However, since the cities already contain commas within themselves, using additional commas can cause confusion.

Option 3: "We want to visit, San Francisco California, Atlanta Georgia, and Orlando Florida."
This option incorrectly places a comma after the verb "visit" and before the first city name. Additionally, there are no commas or semicolons between the remaining city names.

Based on the explanation, Option 1, "We want to visit San Francisco, California; Atlanta, Georgia; and Orlando, Florida," demonstrates correct use of commas and semicolons. Therefore, the correct answer is the first option.

Good luck with your class!

from Internet:

Use commas when writing a list of at least three words, phrases or clauses in a sentence. Place a comma between each item in the list, unless you are writing in Associated Press style . In that case, you would not place a comma before the "and" that joins the final two items.