Any tips for reading test?

There are many good ideas in the websites in the search results linked below. The list at the very top (from ACT) is probably the best, but check out the others, too.

My recommendation, if you are allowed to highlight, or underline text, is to do that with key words and statements, then review what you have highlighted (or underlined).

Sure! Here are some tips for reading tests:

1. Skim the passage: Before diving into the questions, quickly skim through the passage to get a general understanding of the content, main ideas, and structure. Pay attention to headings, subheadings, and any bold or italicized text.

2. Read the questions first: By reading the questions before reading the entire passage, you will know what to look for and can focus on relevant information. This technique also helps you save time.

3. Analyze the question types: Different questions in a reading test may require different approaches. Identify the question type, such as main idea, detail, inference, or vocabulary, and adjust your reading strategy accordingly.

4. Take notes: Jot down key points or underline important information as you read. This will help you remember details and refer back to specific sections when answering questions.

5. Focus on understanding: While speed is important, comprehension should be your priority. Take your time to understand the meaning of the passage and the author's main arguments or ideas.

6. Eliminate wrong answer choices: In multiple-choice questions, eliminate options that you know are incorrect. This increases your chances of selecting the right answer, even if you are uncertain about one or two choices.

7. Consider context: Look for clues within the passage that could help you infer the meaning of unfamiliar words or phrases. Consider the tone, surrounding sentences, or any contextual information provided.

8. Practice regularly: Reading tests require practice to improve reading speed, comprehension, and question analysis skills. Regularly undertake practice tests to familiarize yourself with the format and identify areas where you need improvement.

Remember, the key to doing well on reading tests is practice and familiarity with different question types.