What is gravity? How does gravity effect weight? How do people take advantage of gravity?

Gravity is a force between you and Earth. Weight is directly proportional to mass times the gravitation field value (9.8N/kg)

how do folks take advantage? They walk upright, water falls from the sky, the atmosphere remains near the Earth, goodness.

Ok thx so much! Your a life saver

Um this part:how do folks take advantage? They walk upright, water falls from the sky, the atmosphere remains near the Earth, goodness. Does not make sense. How do people reat to gravity?

Gravity is a fundamental force of nature that attracts objects with mass towards each other. It is responsible for keeping everything on Earth grounded, as well as for the motion of celestial bodies in the universe.

When it comes to weight, gravity plays a crucial role. Weight is the force experienced by an object due to gravity. The weight of an object is directly proportional to the mass of that object. In simple terms, the more mass an object has, the greater its weight will be. This means that if you were to go to a place with a weaker gravitational pull, like the moon, your weight would be much less compared to what you experience on Earth.

People take advantage of gravity in various ways. Some examples include:

1. Falling: By jumping or stepping off a height, people can experience the force of gravity acting towards the ground, resulting in a falling motion. This is utilized in activities like skydiving, bungee jumping, or simply dropping an object to the ground.

2. Transportation: Gravity is used in various transportation systems. For example, roller coasters use gravitational forces to propel the carts along the tracks by harnessing the potential energy gained from heights. Similarly, elevators operate using counterweights and gravity to move up and down buildings.

3. Energy generation: Gravity is used to generate hydropower by harnessing the flow of water down a height, which turns turbines and produces electricity. In addition, gravitational potential energy is utilized in systems like pendulums or gravity-powered clocks.

Overall, gravity is a fundamental force that affects weight and plays a significant role in numerous applications across different fields.