the wholesale price of the shows was 62% of their retail price. therefore the wholesale price was what % less than the retail price of the shoes?

38 Percent.

thank you I was correct.

thanks Bobpursley

To find the percentage by which the wholesale price was lower than the retail price, you can use the following steps:

Step 1: Calculate the difference between the retail price and the wholesale price.
Difference = Retail Price - Wholesale Price

Step 2: Calculate the percentage by which the wholesale price was lower.
Percentage = (Difference / Retail Price) * 100

Let's apply these steps to the given scenario:

1. Given:
Retail Price = x (let's assume the retail price is x, which will make the calculations easier)
Wholesale Price = 62% of Retail Price = 0.62x

2. Calculate the Difference:
Difference = Retail Price - Wholesale Price
= x - 0.62x
= 0.38x

3. Calculate the Percentage:
Percentage = (Difference / Retail Price) * 100
= (0.38x / x) * 100
= 38%

Therefore, the wholesale price is 38% less than the retail price of the shoes.