mr tan and m town wong drove from town k to town h. they started their journeys at different times. mr tan drove at 66km/h and took 50 minutes to reach town h. mr wong drove an average spped of 75km/h.both arrived town h at 2.35pm.

what is the distance from town k to town h?
what time did mr wong start his journey?

(66/60)* 50 = 55 km

(75/60) * t = 55
t = 44 minutes
so 44 minutes before 2:35

"sam" and "wen rong" -- please choose ONE screenname and stick with it. Posting under multiple names is game-playing, and is unnecessary.

To find the distance from town K to town H, we need to convert the time taken by Mr. Tan from minutes to hours.

Mr. Tan's speed is given as 66 km/h and it took him 50 minutes to reach town H. Since 1 hour is equal to 60 minutes, we can calculate the time taken by Mr. Tan in hours:

50 minutes ÷ 60 minutes/hour = 0.83 hours

Next, we can use the formula:

Distance = Speed × Time

Distance = 66 km/h × 0.83 hours

Distance = 54.78 km

Therefore, the distance from town K to town H is approximately 54.78 km.

Now, let's determine the time Mr. Wong started his journey.

We're given that both Mr. Tan and Mr. Wong arrived at town H at 2.35 pm. As Mr. Tan's journey took 50 minutes, we can subtract this from the arrival time to find the time he started his journey:

2.35 pm - 0.50 hour (50 minutes converted to hours) = 1.85 pm

Since there are 60 minutes in an hour, we convert 0.85 hours to minutes:

0.85 × 60 = 51 minutes

So, Mr. Tan started his journey at approximately 1.51 pm.

Since both Mr. Tan and Mr. Wong arrived at town H at the same time, we can conclude that Mr. Wong also started his journey at 1.51 pm.