Calculate the local time of places A (40 degree E) and B (40 digree W) when the GMT is 9.00


answer this question

Pay attention to how this is calculated, not just the answer.

To calculate the local time of places A and B when the GMT is 9.00 am, we need to consider the longitude difference between the places and the GMT.

The Earth has 24 time zones, each spanning 15 degrees of longitude. The standard time zone is Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), which is centered on the Prime Meridian (0 degrees longitude).

Given that place A is at 40 degrees east longitude and place B is at 40 degrees west longitude, we can calculate their time differences from GMT.

1. Place A (40 degrees east):
- Since place A is 40 degrees east of the Prime Meridian, we need to add the longitude difference to the GMT.
- Every 15 degrees of longitude corresponds to one hour of time difference.
- Therefore, the time difference for place A is (40/15) hours = 2 hours and 40 minutes ahead of GMT.
- Adding this to the GMT time of 9.00 am, we get the local time in place A as 11.40 am.

2. Place B (40 degrees west):
- Since place B is 40 degrees west of the Prime Meridian, we need to subtract the longitude difference from the GMT.
- Following the same logic as above, the time difference for place B is also 2 hours and 40 minutes behind GMT.
- Subtracting this from the GMT time of 9.00 am, we get the local time in place B as 6.20 am.

Therefore, when the GMT is 9.00 am, the local time in place A (40 degrees east) is 11.40 am, and the local time in place B (40 degrees west) is 6.20 am.

To calculate the local time of places A (40 degrees E) and B (40 degrees W) when GMT is 9.00 am, we need to account for the time difference caused by the longitude.

1. Determine the time difference for every 15 degrees of longitude:
- Each 15 degrees of longitude represent a time difference of 1 hour.
- For every 15 degrees to the east (+E), add 1 hour to the GMT.
- For every 15 degrees to the west (-W), subtract 1 hour from the GMT.

2. Calculate the time difference for place A (40 degrees E):
Since A is 40 degrees to the east, we can calculate the time difference as follows:
- 40 degrees E represents a time difference of (40/15) x 1 hour = 2 hours.
- Therefore, for place A, the local time will be 9.00 am + 2 hours = 11.00 am.

3. Calculate the time difference for place B (40 degrees W):
Since B is 40 degrees to the west, we can calculate the time difference as follows:
- 40 degrees W represents a time difference of (40/15) x 1 hour = 2 hours.
- Therefore, for place B, the local time will be 9.00 am - 2 hours = 7.00 am.

So, the local time of place A (40 degrees E) will be 11.00 am, and the local time of place B (40 degrees W) will be 7.00 am when GMT is 9.00 am.