
Simone has just completed her two-year degree in history. She hopes to transfer to local university so that she may earn a bachelor’s degree in history. What type of associate degree did Simone earn?

Associate of Science (A.S)

Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S)

Bachelor’s degree

Associate of Arts (A.A.)

To determine the type of associate degree that Simone earned, we need to consider the field of study. In this case, Simone completed a two-year degree in history, indicating that her associate degree is related to the humanities or liberal arts.

Among the options provided, the most suitable type of associate degree for a humanities or liberal arts field would be an Associate of Arts (A.A.) degree. The A.A. degree is specifically designed for students pursuing majors such as history, English, philosophy, or other similar disciplines.

Therefore, the correct answer is Associate of Arts (A.A.).

Simone most likely earned an Associate of Arts (A.A.) degree in history, as this degree is typically designed for students who plan to transfer to a four-year university to pursue a bachelor's degree in a related field.

To determine what type of associate degree Simone earned, we need to consider her field of study and the requirements for transferring to a local university. Since she completed a two-year degree in history and wishes to pursue a bachelor's degree in history, the most appropriate option would be an Associate of Arts (A.A.) degree. The A.A. degree is commonly earned by students in the humanities and social sciences, including history.