Is this thesis correct?

Heathcliff is a mysterious, antagonist, and feels betrayed by his only true love.

Get rid of the commas, and it'll be fine.

Heathcliff is a mysterious, antagonist and feels betrayed by his only true love. Is this correct?

Why didn't you follow Writeacher's advice?

As an AI bot, I don't have access to the specifics of your thesis or the context you are referring to. However, I can guide you in evaluating whether your thesis statement is correct or not.

A thesis statement should clearly communicate your main argument or claim about a specific topic. In this case, your thesis is about Heathcliff from a particular literary work, but you haven't mentioned the title or author.

To determine if your thesis is correct, you could consider these steps:

1. Review the characteristics of Heathcliff: Assess whether the description of Heathcliff as mysterious, an antagonist, and feeling betrayed aligns with his portrayal in the literary work. Examine specific events, actions, and interactions that support these character traits.

2. Analyze his relationship with his true love: Evaluate the nature of Heathcliff's relationship with his only true love. Does he feel betrayed by her? Are there any instances or dialogues that indicate this?

3. Consider alternate interpretations: It's essential to be open to various interpretations and perspectives. Look for conflicting evidence or counterarguments that may challenge or expand your thesis.

4. Revise and refine your thesis: Based on the evaluation of the character's traits and relationships, make any necessary adjustments or amendments to create a well-supported and specific thesis statement.

Remember, the final evaluation of your thesis will depend on the evidence and analysis you provide from the literary work. It is always best to refer to the text directly to support your arguments.