Which does the phrase author's purpose describe?(1 point)


the way an author feels about the topic of the text
the way an author feels about the topic of the text

a thesis statement that makes a claim
a thesis statement that makes a claim

the evidence an author gives to support his or her claim
the evidence an author gives to support his or her claim

the reason an author writes a text

the reason an author writes a text

The phrase "author's purpose" describes the reason an author writes a text.

The phrase "author's purpose" refers to the reason or intention behind why an author writes a particular text. It is concerned with understanding the motivation or goal that the author had in mind when creating the piece of writing. This purpose can vary depending on the context and genre of the text, and the author may have multiple purposes in mind. To determine the author's purpose, it is important to closely read and analyze the text, considering the author's use of language, tone, and overall message.