So I am trying to write two articles and am NOT asking you to write them for me, just for help so I can write them. It's about the French and Indian war.

I know that they were fighting and why, but what caused both of them to get into the war? Like I need to write two articles supporting either side but I want to know what each sides motives and intentions were, Why did they both want the land and what were their motives? Please please help.

The short article in Wiki sums it up well. You have to view this "war" as part of the Seven Years War in Europe. It was an economic, religious, and competitive war between Britian, France, Spain, Portugal that involved different areas, including Canada and the Mississippi Valley. The only difference, to me, was that the in the America's the British colonists had a great religious fear of the Pope taking over their lives, many of these colonists had fled England for religious freedom reasons.

Don't let yourself be brainwashed! No matter what your teacher says, use Wikipedia. If you don't want to read the article, then don't! BUT ... go to the bottom of the Wiki article and check out all the external references and links. For an article like this, the references are priceless.

I'd be happy to help you with your articles on the French and Indian War. Before diving into the motives and intentions of both sides, it's essential to understand the broader context and causes of the war.

The French and Indian War, also known as the Seven Years' War, took place between 1754 and 1763. It primarily occurred in North America and involved several European powers, including France, Britain, and their respective Native American allies.

To understand the motives behind the war, it's important to consider the geopolitical and economic factors that contributed to the conflict. Here are some key points to consider:

French Motives:
1. Fur Trade: The French had established a profitable fur trade network in North America and sought to protect their interests in the region.
2. Territorial Expansion: France aimed to expand its North American colonies, primarily in the Ohio River Valley and along the Mississippi River, which would provide them with strategic control over vital trade routes and access to valuable resources.
3. Native American Alliances: The French maintained friendly relations with several Native American tribes and sought to strengthen these alliances to consolidate their territorial claims.

British Motives:
1. Territorial Expansion: Like the French, the British desired to expand their colonial holdings in North America. They believed that controlling the Ohio River Valley and other regions would secure their western frontier and enhance their imperial dominance.
2. Economic Interests: British colonists had growing agricultural and commercial interests and sought access to new lands for settlement and trade. Controlling the Ohio River Valley would provide them with fertile land and economic opportunities.
3. Rivalry with France: Britain and France had a long-standing rivalry over colonial possessions and global influence. The British aimed to challenge and weaken French dominance in North America.

It's important to note that both sides had economic and territorial motivations, but their approaches and alliances differed. The French primarily relied on partnerships with Native American tribes, while the British sought to mobilize their colonial forces and support from their own Native American allies, such as the Iroquois Confederacy.

To write your articles supporting either side, you can highlight these motives and intentions, discussing the factors that influenced each side's decision to enter the war. Remember to provide evidence, such as historical accounts and primary sources, to support your arguments.

I hope this helps you with your articles. If you have any more specific questions, feel free to ask!