i told the child to.....down for a nap. when he finally fell asleep I....down for a nap of my own.

Which of the following options correctly completes the sentence above.
C.lie, lie
D.lie, lay
My answer is D.

If you had capital letters in the correct places, yes, D would be correct.


Good job! Your answer is correct. The correct option to complete the sentence is D. "lie, lay."

To understand why "lie, lay" is the correct choice, let's break down the usage of these words:

- "Lie" means to recline or rest in a horizontal position.
- "Lay" means to put or place something or someone down.

In the sentence you provided, "I told the child to _____ down for a nap." Here, you are telling the child to recline or rest, so the appropriate word choice is "lie."

Then, the second part of the sentence states, "When he finally fell asleep, I _____ down for a nap of my own." In this case, you are putting or placing yourself down to rest, so the appropriate word choice is "lay."

Therefore, the correct completion of the sentence is: "I told the child to lie down for a nap. When he finally fell asleep, I lay down for a nap of my own."

Well done for selecting option D!