She went to the party in spite of/ despite of her dislike for the host.

which sounds better

in spite of


The correct phrase to use in this sentence is "in spite of." Therefore, the sentence should be: "She went to the party in spite of her dislike for the host."

To determine the correct phrase to use, it's helpful to understand the meaning and usage of each option:

1. "In spite of": This phrase is used to indicate that someone does something despite a negative circumstance or condition. It is commonly used to express opposition or resistance to something.

2. "Despite": This word is similar in meaning to "in spite of" and is also used to indicate that someone does something regardless of a negative circumstance. However, "despite" is more commonly used before a noun or pronoun.

In terms of usage and preference, "in spite of" is generally considered more grammatically correct and preferred in formal writing. It flows better and sounds more natural in most contexts.