Which is a goal of multicultural education for students who are affected by racism?

A. To develop a thick skin

B. To develop a positive self-concept

C. To develop self-control

D. To develop perseverance

2. In general, changes in self-reporting on US Census reports reveal what type of trend?
A. Increases in multiracial, and racially and ethnically diverse populations across the United States.

B. Decreases in multiracial, and racially and ethnically diverse populations across the United States.

C. That the percentages of different race populations have remained relatively unchanged in the last decade.

D. That the percentages of different race populations have so drastically changed in the last decade that they cannot be measured.

I think B, C

I agree.

For the first question, the goal of multicultural education for students who are affected by racism is to develop a positive self-concept (option B). This means helping students develop a strong and healthy sense of their own identity and worth, despite the discrimination or prejudice they may face.

To arrive at this answer, it is important to understand the objectives of multicultural education. Multicultural education aims to promote cultural diversity, inclusivity, and understanding among students. It seeks to address issues of racism, discrimination, and prejudice by equipping students with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to navigate and critically analyze such challenges. The goal is not simply to develop a "thick skin" (option A), which implies ignoring or tolerating racism, but rather to empower students and help them build a positive self-concept to counteract the negative impact of racism.

Now, for the second question regarding the trends in self-reporting on US Census reports, I cannot confirm your answer based solely on the given options. However, I can provide some insights on the subject. Historically, the US Census reports have seen an increase in the self-reporting of multiracial and racially/ethnically diverse populations (option A). This reflects the growing recognition and acknowledgment of individuals who identify with multiple racial or ethnic backgrounds. However, it is worth noting that the exact trend may vary depending on specific time periods and regions.

To properly determine the correct answer, it would be necessary to refer to recent US Census data or reliable sources that provide accurate statistical analysis of the population trends.