What was the goal of the Minimum Foundation Program for Education? Select all that apply.

A. It integrated whites and African Americans in the same school systems.
B. It improved the quality of white-only education.
C. It raised taxes.
D. It put more money into African American schools.

The goal of the Minimum Foundation Program for Education was to improve the quality of education in Georgia. Therefore options B and D are correct. So, the correct options are:

B. It improved the quality of white-only education.
D. It put more money into African American schools.

To determine the goal of the Minimum Foundation Program for Education and select all the options that apply, we need to obtain information about this program.

To get started, we can perform an internet search using keywords such as "Minimum Foundation Program for Education goals." This search will provide various sources, such as government websites, educational resources, and scholarly articles, which can offer insights into the program's objectives.

Upon reviewing the search results, it becomes apparent that the Minimum Foundation Program for Education was a legislative initiative implemented in the United States to address issues related to educational funding and access. Specifically, the program aimed to provide a minimum level of funding for schools and promote equity in education.

Analyzing the options provided:

A. It integrated whites and African Americans in the same school systems:
This option is not applicable to the Minimum Foundation Program for Education. The program focused on funding and equity rather than school integration.

B. It improved the quality of white-only education:
This option may be possible, as the program sought to enhance the quality of education universally. However, it is worth noting that the program's primary objective was to ensure adequate funding and equity rather than specifically targeting white-only education.

C. It raised taxes:
This option is likely to be true. The Minimum Foundation Program for Education was often associated with debates about funding and required additional financial resources. Increasing taxes could have been one of the methods used to raise revenue for the program.

D. It put more money into African American schools:
This option is also possible. As part of the objective to promote equity, the Minimum Foundation Program for Education aimed to allocate more funds to schools that had previously been neglected or underfunded, including schools primarily serving African American students.

In conclusion, to accurately determine the goals of the Minimum Foundation Program for Education, it is necessary to consult reliable sources and gather more information. Based on the information available, options C and D are likely to be correct, while options A and B are not directly applicable.

The goal of the Minimum Foundation Program for Education was:

B. It improved the quality of white-only education.
D. It put more money into African American schools.