Mrs. Brown is feeling a bit irritated by the noise level in her 1st grade classroom. She put all of the students into cooperative groups to work on a social studies project. The room is slightly more noisy then she likes, but when she looks around she sees that all of the children are engaged in active learning and all of the groups are being productive. What might be the best solution to Mrs. Brown’s problem?

A. Change adult expectations

B. Model desired behavior

C. Change adult attitude

D. Use related consequences

is it A?

Either A or C, yes.

To determine the best solution to Mrs. Brown's problem, we can analyze each option and see which one aligns with the situation described.

A. Change adult expectations: This option suggests that Mrs. Brown should adjust her expectations regarding the noise level in the classroom. However, the question states that all of the children are engaged in active learning and the groups are being productive. Therefore, it does not seem necessary to change expectations in this case.

B. Model desired behavior: This option suggests that Mrs. Brown should demonstrate the desired behavior herself. While modeling desired behavior can be helpful in shaping student behavior, it may not directly address the noise level concern.

C. Change adult attitude: This option entails Mrs. Brown adjusting her attitude towards the noise level in the classroom. Since the question does not indicate any negative impact on student learning or behavior, there may not be a need for Mrs. Brown to change her attitude in this situation.

D. Use related consequences: This option suggests implementing consequences related to the noise level, which could be effective in reducing noise and maintaining an appropriate learning environment. However, since the question states that all groups are being productive and engaged, it may not be necessary to introduce consequences at this time.

Considering the information provided, the best solution to Mrs. Brown's problem would likely be B. Model desired behavior. By modeling the desired behavior herself, Mrs. Brown can set an example for her students and encourage them to follow suit. This can help manage the noise level while maintaining the productive and engaged learning environment.