A researcher is studying the effects of noise level of concentration. in this study, noise level is the------ variable. A. Confounding b. Dependent c. Independent d. Random

c. Independent

In this study, the noise level would be considered the independent variable.

In this study, the researcher is specifically investigating the effects of noise level on concentration. In this case, the noise level is the variable that the researcher is manipulating or changing to observe its impact on concentration. Since the researcher is deliberately altering the noise level, it is considered an independent variable (option C) in this study.

To determine the correct answer to this question, it is essential to understand the different types of variables in a study:

1. Independent Variable: This is the variable that is manipulated or controlled by the researcher. It is the cause or potential factor that is being studied. In this case, the noise level is intentionally changed by the researcher.

2. Dependent Variable: This is the variable being measured or observed to determine the effect or outcome of the study. In this case, the concentration level is the dependent variable, as it is the variable that is expected to be influenced by the noise level.

3. Confounding Variable: This is an extraneous variable that could potentially impact the relationship between the independent and dependent variables. It is important to control for confounding variables to ensure accurate results. However, in the given scenario, the question does not mention any confounding variables.

4. Random Variable: This refers to a variable that cannot be controlled or predicted. Random variables are typically associated with statistical probability and are not applicable to the current scenario.

So, the correct answer is C. Independent.