A number n is 150% of number m. Is n greater than, less than, or equal to m?

To determine if n is greater than, less than, or equal to m, let's break down the information given.

It is stated that number n is 150% of number m. This means that n is 1.5 times m. Mathematically, we can express this as:

n = 1.5m

Now, let's consider different scenarios:

1. If m is greater than 0, then multiplying it by 1.5 will yield a value greater than m. This indicates that n is greater than m.

2. If m is equal to 0, then multiplying it by any value will still result in 0. So, in this case, n is equal to m.

3. If m is less than 0, then multiplying it by 1.5 will give a value that is further away from 0 in the negative direction. This implies that n is less than m.

In conclusion, n can be greater than, less than, or equal to m depending on the value of m.

If n = 150% m = 1.5m

n > m