Please create an image of a clean number line with several markers denoting the solutions of potential inequalities. The markers should represent the solutions if Weston had solved x+0.5≥0.5, x+5≥6, x−0.5≤0.5 and x−1>0. The number line should be free of any text or labels to respect the policy of no text in the image.

Weston solved an inequality and graphed the solution on the number line. Which of the following inequalities did he solve? (1 point) Responses x+0.5≥0.5 x plus 0.5 greater-than-or-equal-to 0.5 x+5≥6 x plus 5 greater-than-or-equal-to 6 x−0.5≤0.5 x minus 0.5 less-than-or-equal-to 0.5 x−1>0 x minus 1 greater-than 0
