I read the book but i don't understand this question:

Consider the events of Shakespeare’s Macbeth and the fates of the title character and his wife. Which character—Macbeth or Lady Macbeth—deserves more blame for their fall? Which character is more influenced by the other? Which character suffers more? Justify your responses with examples from the text.

It seems clear to me. Exactly which part don't you understand?

choose: I did it because she made me do it, or He did it because he is crazy. Actually, both might be crazy.

To answer these questions, let's break them down step-by-step:

1. Which character—Macbeth or Lady Macbeth—deserves more blame for their fall?

In the play, both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth play significant roles in their downfall. However, the degree of blame can be debated. Here are some points to consider:

- Macbeth: Macbeth's ambition is the driving force behind his actions. He is initially hesitant about killing King Duncan but is persuaded by Lady Macbeth's relentless persuasion. After the murder, Macbeth continues down a path of violence and paranoia to protect his position. His increasing ruthlessness ultimately leads to their downfall.
- Lady Macbeth: While she shares in Macbeth's ambition, Lady Macbeth is arguably more instrumental in pushing Macbeth towards his destructive actions. She uses her cunning and manipulation to goad Macbeth into murdering Duncan. However, Lady Macbeth later becomes consumed by guilt, which leads to her mental and emotional breakdown.

Ultimately, it can be argued that Macbeth deserves more blame for their fall due to his role as the one who physically carries out the murders and continues down a path of destruction.

2. Which character is more influenced by the other?

Again, it can be debated which character influences the other more greatly. Here are some points to consider:

- Macbeth: Macbeth is initially uncertain about killing Duncan, but he succumbs to Lady Macbeth's persuasion and is heavily influenced by her conviction. However, as the play progresses, Macbeth becomes more independent in his decision-making, relying less on Lady Macbeth's influence.

- Lady Macbeth: Lady Macbeth is the one who initially provides the impetus for the murder of Duncan. She manipulates Macbeth and continuously challenges his masculinity to push him towards action. Without Lady Macbeth's influence, it is questionable if Macbeth would have committed the acts he does.

Overall, it can be argued that Macbeth is initially more influenced by Lady Macbeth, but as the play unfolds, he becomes more independent and driven by his own ambition.

3. Which character suffers more?

Both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth suffer heavily throughout the play, albeit in different ways. Here's an analysis:

- Macbeth: Macbeth experiences great psychological torment as he grapples with his guilt, paranoia, and the realization of the consequences of his actions. He becomes consumed by his own ambition and ultimately meets a tragic end, which can be seen as significant suffering.

- Lady Macbeth: Initially, Lady Macbeth appears to be one of the driving forces behind their actions. However, she soon becomes overwhelmed by guilt, leading to her descending into madness. The sleepwalking scene highlights her immense suffering as she tries to rid herself of the guilt. Lady Macbeth ultimately dies offstage, suggesting her suffering leads to her demise.

In conclusion, both characters suffer greatly, but Lady Macbeth's guilt and subsequent mental breakdown indicate a higher level of suffering.

Remember, these answers are open to interpretation, but by breaking down the questions step-by-step and providing evidence from the text, you can formulate your response more effectively.

To answer this question, you need to analyze the events and actions of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth in Shakespeare's Macbeth and determine who deserves more blame for their downfall, who influences the other more, and who suffers more. Here's how you can approach each part of the question:

1. Who deserves more blame for their fall?
To determine who deserves more blame, you should examine the role of each character in the events leading to their downfall. Look for examples in the text where they make choices or take actions that contribute to their downfall. Consider Macbeth's initial ambition and subsequent murderous acts, as well as Lady Macbeth's manipulation and encouragement of those acts. Compare their individual motivations, actions, and their level of involvement in the tragic events. Quote specific lines or scenes from the play to support your argument.

2. Who influences the other more?
Analyzing the influence between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth requires studying their relationship and interactions throughout the play. Look for instances where one character persuades or influences the other to make certain decisions or commit certain actions. Pay attention to moments when Macbeth and Lady Macbeth discuss their plans and ambitions. Consider how their words and actions impact each other's behavior. Cite specific scenes where their influence is evident and provide textual evidence to support your claims.

3. Who suffers more?
Determining who suffers more involves examining the emotional and psychological toll each character experiences throughout the play. Consider the consequences of their choices, the guilt they experience, and how they handle the consequences of their actions. Look for instances where their suffering becomes evident in their speeches, soliloquies, or interactions with other characters. Quote relevant lines from the text to illustrate their individual struggles.

Remember, it is important to provide specific examples from the play to substantiate your claims and arguments. By thoroughly analyzing the actions, influence, and suffering of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, you should be able to form a comprehensive response to this question.