True or False????

1) During mediation, a mediator dose not have to maintain confidentiality.
2) Food, shelter, and clothing are baisc needs that parents are expected to provide for their children.
3) Affirmation is the act of giving positive input that helps someone feel appreciated and supported.
4) Childern are usually not the reason a husband and wife divorce.
5) child abuse can be physical, sexual, or emotional.
6) A platonic friendship includes sexual activity.
7) A stereotype is an exaggerated belief about an entire group of people.

Someone here will be happy to check what YOU THINK.

1. False

2. True
3. True
4. True
5. True
7. True

1) False - During mediation, a mediator is bound by the principle of confidentiality. This means that they must maintain the privacy of the information shared during the mediation process. This is important to establish trust between the parties involved and encourage open communication.

To confirm this answer, you can research the role and responsibilities of a mediator in the mediation process. Look for reputable sources such as legal websites, books on mediation, or articles written by professionals in the field.

2) True - Food, shelter, and clothing are considered basic needs that parents are expected to provide for their children. These needs are essential for a child's physical well-being and are usually recognized as parental responsibilities.

To verify this answer, you can look up definitions of basic needs or consult legal documents and guidelines related to the rights and responsibilities of parents towards their children.

3) True - Affirmation refers to providing positive input that helps someone feel appreciated and supported. It can be expressed through words, actions, or gestures and is aimed at boosting someone's self-esteem and confidence.

To confirm this answer, you can consult dictionaries, psychology resources, or articles on the topic of affirmation and its importance in supporting individuals.

4) False - Children can sometimes be a contributing factor to a husband and wife deciding to divorce. However, it is important to recognize that the reasons for a divorce are generally complex and not solely based on the existence of children. Many other factors, such as communication issues, compatibility problems, or irreconcilable differences, can play a role in divorce.

To gather more information on this topic, you can read studies, articles, or books that explore the causes of divorce and the role of children in marital dissolution.

5) True - Child abuse can encompass physical, sexual, or emotional mistreatment. These forms of abuse can cause significant harm to a child's well-being, both in the short-term and long-term.

To validate this statement, you can consult reputable sources such as government websites, legal definitions of child abuse, or recognized organizations that work to prevent child maltreatment.

6) False - A platonic friendship is characterized by a close, affectionate bond without any sexual involvement. It typically refers to a non-romantic friendship based on emotional connection, trust, and mutual understanding.

To confirm this, you can refer to dictionaries, psychology literature, or articles that define and describe the characteristics of platonic relationships.

7) True - A stereotype is an oversimplified or generalized belief about an entire group of people. Stereotypes often involve preconceived notions or assumptions based on limited information and can be inaccurate or unfair.

To confirm this answer, you can consult dictionaries, social psychology textbooks, or scholarly articles that explain the concept of stereotypes and their impact on individuals and groups.