Which of the following resulted from King Philip’s War?

A. The Indians lost most of their land in southern New England.

B. The English established praying towns for the Indians.

C. The Puritans nearly eliminated the Pequots.

D. The colonists gave land back to the Indians.

I know that's isn't B. Is it A?

Yes, A.

Thank You !!

You're welcome.

To determine the correct answer among the options provided, we need to understand the background and outcomes of King Philip's War. King Philip's War was a conflict that took place in the 1670s between Native American tribes, predominantly led by Wampanoag leader Metacom, also known as King Philip, and the English colonists in New England.

Option A states that the Indians lost most of their land in southern New England, which is indeed an outcome of King Philip's War. The war resulted in significant territorial losses for Native American tribes, particularly the Wampanoag, Narragansett, and other tribes who had sided with King Philip.

Option B states that the English established praying towns for the Indians. While the English did establish praying towns before King Philip's War, they were not a direct outcome of the war itself. These praying towns were established as a part of the colonists' efforts to Christianize and assimilate Native Americans prior to the conflict.

Option C states that the Puritans nearly eliminated the Pequots. However, the Pequot War, which took place in 1637, was a separate conflict from King Philip's War and does not represent an outcome of the latter.

Option D states that the colonists gave land back to the Indians. This option does not align with the known outcomes of King Philip's War. Rather than returning land to the Native Americans, the war resulted in the further displacement and loss of land for Native American tribes.

Therefore, based on the information provided, option A, which states that the Indians lost most of their land in southern New England, is the correct answer.