Pete saved 24.00 of the 60 .oo dollars he earned. What percentage of his earnings did he save ?


24/60 = ?

Multiply your answer by 100 to get the percentage.

got it . Thank you

You're welcome.

To find the percentage of his earnings that Pete saved, you need to divide the amount he saved by the total amount earned and then multiply by 100.

Step 1: Calculate the amount saved as a decimal.
Amount saved = $24.00

Step 2: Calculate the total amount earned as a decimal.
Total amount earned = $60.00

Step 3: Divide the amount saved by the total amount earned.
Saving percentage = Amount saved / Total amount earned

Saving percentage = $24.00 / $60.00 = 0.4

Step 4: Multiply the result by 100 to get the percentage.
Saving percentage = 0.4 * 100 = 40%

Therefore, Pete saved 40% of his earnings.