Vinh is saving for a standing mixer that costs $400. He currently has $160 saved. What percentage does he have saved?

The total amount Vinh has saved is $160/$400 = <<160/400*100=40>>40% of the standing mixer price. Answer: \boxed{40}.

To find the percentage of the amount Vinh has saved, we can use the formula:

(Amount Saved / Total Cost) * 100

In this case, Vinh has saved $160 out of a total cost of $400.

So, the calculation would be:

(160 / 400) * 100 = 0.4 * 100 = 40

Therefore, Vinh currently has saved 40% of the total cost of the standing mixer.

To find the percentage that Vinh has saved, we need to divide the amount he has saved ($160) by the total cost of the standing mixer ($400) and then multiply the result by 100.

Step 1: Divide the amount saved by the total cost:
$160 / $400 = 0.4

Step 2: Multiply the result by 100 to convert it to a percentage:
0.4 * 100 = 40

So, Vinh has saved 40% of the total cost of the standing mixer.