how to write 530.000 in Spanish

quinientas treinta

I'm sorry that I misinterpreted, since in los Estados Unidos, we us the period to indicate less that one. What you want is:

quinientos treinta miles

To write the number 530.000 in Spanish, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the number's place value.
- The number 530.000 has three distinct place values: units, thousands, and millions. In this case, the number does not contain any millions, so we can skip that part.

Step 2: Write the number in words.
- Start with the thousands place value, which is "quinientos treinta" in Spanish.
- Add the decimal separator, which is a comma in Spanish. So far, the number is "quinientos treinta,"
- Finally, include the fractional part in words. In this case, it is "cero cero cero." Now, the number is "quinientos treinta, cero cero cero."

Therefore, 530.000 in Spanish is "quinientos treinta, cero cero cero."