what was the estimated population of tenochitlan when the spanish conquistadors arrived

a. 50,000
b. between 200,000 and 300,000
c. 1 million
d. 500,000

b. between 200,000 and 300,000

The estimated population of Tenochtitlan when the Spanish conquistadors arrived was (b) between 200,000 and 300,000.

To find the estimated population of Tenochtitlan when the Spanish conquistadors arrived, we can use historical records and accounts. One way to find this information is by referencing primary sources from that time period, such as letters, journals, or firsthand accounts. Additionally, we can consult secondary sources, such as historical books or academic articles, which analyze and interpret the primary sources.

Considering the options provided, let's evaluate them:

a. 50,000: This estimate seems too low based on historical records and archaeological evidence.

b. Between 200,000 and 300,000: This estimate is closer to the generally accepted range for the population of Tenochtitlan when the Spanish conquistadors arrived. It is supported by various historical sources.

c. 1 million: This estimate is at the higher end of the population range. While it is conceivable that the population of Tenochtitlan could have approached this number, it is not the most widely accepted estimate based on current research and historical evidence.

d. 500,000: This estimate falls within the range of population numbers often cited by historians and experts.

Considering the options provided and the available evidence, the most accurate estimated population of Tenochtitlan when the Spanish conquistadors arrived is:

b. Between 200,000 and 300,000.