In the text box provided below, type the research report according to the guidelines below. You must submit both your first draft and final versions. Remember that an adult must review your first draft and provide constructive criticism.

Assignment: A formal outline and a final version of the essay you have been writing throughout this chapter
Length: Five to seven paragraphs
Audience: To whom are you writing this essay? Be specific.
Purpose: This should take shape from one of the broad purposes: to inform, persuade, describe, entertain, or narrate.
Prewriting: You accomplish this through brainstorming, exploring, and focusing ideas.
Writing: Use the first draft you wrote in Chapter 29
Revising: Use the checklist in Chapter 27 to review your first draft. Prepare a formal outline reflecting the changes you want to make in the organization of the essay. Follow the guidelines for a formal outline in Chapter 27. Then use the formal outline and your first draft to write a final version of the essay. Be sure to edit and proofread the essay so that you can share your work with your readers.

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To complete this research report assignment, you will need to follow a specific process. Here are the steps you should take to meet the guidelines:

Step 1: Review the guidelines
Make sure you understand the requirements for the research report. Take note of the length (five to seven paragraphs), the intended audience, and the purpose of the essay (to inform, persuade, describe, entertain, or narrate).

Step 2: Brainstorm and focus ideas
Think about the topic you have been writing about throughout this chapter. Brainstorm ideas related to that topic and explore different angles or perspectives. Consider how you can best inform, persuade, describe, entertain, or narrate to achieve the intended purpose.

Step 3: Use your first draft from Chapter 29
If you have already written a first draft for this essay in Chapter 29, retrieve it and review its content. Pay attention to areas that can be improved or expanded upon based on your brainstorming and focusing of ideas.

Step 4: Revise your first draft
Utilize the checklist provided in Chapter 27 to review your first draft. Evaluate your essay's organization, clarity, coherence, and effectiveness in achieving the purpose. Make notes of the changes you want to make to improve the overall structure and content.

Step 5: Prepare a formal outline
Create a formal outline that reflects the changes you want to make in the organization of your essay. Follow the guidelines for a formal outline provided in Chapter 27. Your outline should provide a clear structure for your essay, with each paragraph addressing a specific aspect of your topic.

Step 6: Write the final version of the essay
Using your formal outline and the feedback from your first draft, write the final version of your essay. Ensure that it incorporates the changes you have made to improve the organization and content. Pay attention to grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure to make it reader-friendly.

Step 7: Edit and proofread
Before submitting your work, edit and proofread your essay. Check for any spelling or grammar mistakes, consistency in language and style, and overall clarity. This step is crucial to ensure your work is polished and ready to be shared with your intended readers.

Remember to seek feedback from an adult or instructor who can provide constructive criticism on your first draft. Incorporate their suggestions into your final version to enhance the quality of your research report.