What outcome is more likely than 2? Use spinner

To determine which outcome is more likely than 2 using a spinner, we need to have information about the spinner itself. Spinners are circular devices divided into sections, usually with different colors or numbers. Each section represents a different outcome or value.

Since you haven't provided any specific information about the spinner, I can't give you a direct answer. However, I can explain how to approach the problem in a general sense.

1. Examine the Spinner: Look at the spinner and identify the different sections or values it contains. Determine how many sections there are and what each section represents (e.g., numbers, colors, etc.).

2. Analyze the Possible Outcomes: Determine which outcomes are more likely than "2" based on the spinner's design. This can be done by considering the size or number of sections representing each outcome. For example, if there are multiple sections with values greater than 2, then those outcomes would be more likely.

3. Consider Equal Sections: If each section of the spinner is identical in size and has equal chances of being landed on (e.g., a fair spinner), then every outcome has an equal probability. In this case, there wouldn't be any outcome that is more likely than "2."

Remember, this explanation is based on the assumption that you are referring to a spinner with numerical values. If you are referring to a different type of spinner or have specific information about its design, please provide more details for a more accurate answer.