You decide to number the 58 pages in your journal from 1 to 58.

How many digits do you have to write?

9 1-digit numbers

49 2-digit numbers

9+2*49 = ?

First you add DEEZ NUTS to GOTTEEEMMM!!!!!

To find out how many digits you have to write to number the pages from 1 to 58, you need to determine the total number of digits required for the numbers from 1 to 58.

Here's how you can calculate it:

1. Find the number of digits required for the numbers 1 to 9. Since each of these numbers has only one digit, there are 9 digits in total.

2. Find the number of digits required for the numbers 10 to 99. Each of these two-digit numbers requires two digits. There are 90 two-digit numbers between 10 and 99. So, the total number of digits required for this range is 90 * 2 = 180.

Therefore, the total number of digits required to number the pages from 1 to 58 is 9 + 180 = 189 digits.