Having trouble with context clues.

I was filled with sadness to leave my friends. But I was not unhappy for long. My excitement grew as we drove because I was thrilled to see new things.

1. What does sadness mean in passage? What clues help you find out?

2. What does excitement mean in passage and what clues help you find out?

1. unhappy
2. thrilled

Not sure about context clues

"context clues" = what was it in that sentence or passage that helped you figure out the meaning of the word in question?

1. but


1. To determine the meaning of "sadness" in the passage, we can look for context clues that indicate the emotion being expressed. In this case, the clue comes from the phrase "filled with sadness to leave my friends." The phrase suggests that the person is experiencing an emotional response to leaving their friends, indicating that "sadness" in this context means feeling sorrow or unhappiness.

2. Similarly, to understand the meaning of "excitement" in the passage, we can examine the context clues. The phrase "My excitement grew as we drove because I was thrilled to see new things" provides the clue. The use of the word "excitement" suggests a positive emotion, and the phrase "thrilled to see new things" reinforces this idea. Both "excitement" and "thrilled" indicate a feeling of enthusiasm or anticipation.

Context clues are words or phrases in a passage that can help you determine the meaning of an unknown word or concept. Let's analyze the passage to identify the context clues for the meanings of "sadness" and "excitement."

1. What does sadness mean in the passage? What clues help you find out?
The clues that help us determine the meaning of "sadness" are the phrases "filled with sadness" and "leave my friends." These suggest that the person is experiencing a feeling of sorrow or unhappiness because they have to say goodbye to their friends.

2. What does excitement mean in the passage? What clues help you find out?
The clues that help us determine the meaning of "excitement" are the phrases "my excitement grew" and "I was thrilled to see new things." These indicate that the person is feeling eager, enthusiastic, and thrilled about the prospect of seeing new things.

In conclusion, the context clues in the passage indicate that "sadness" means feeling unhappy or sorrowful, while "excitement" means feeling thrilled or eager.