In the call of the wild,what did Buck dream about by the campfire?

In order to find out what Buck dreamt about by the campfire in "The Call of the Wild" by Jack London, you can refer to the specific details and events mentioned in the book.

1. Open your copy of "The Call of the Wild" or find an online version of the book.

2. Start by locating the chapter or section where Buck's campfire dream is described. This might require using the table of contents or searching within the text using keywords such as "Buck," "dream," or "campfire."

3. Once you find the section, read carefully to gather the details provided in the text about Buck's dream. Pay attention to any specific imagery, events, or emotions mentioned by the author.

4. Note down or memorize the important details of Buck's dream to fully understand and answer the question.

Remember, the process of finding the answer to a question about a literary text involves reading and analyzing the specific episodes mentioned in the book.