Convert this number to scientific notation


1.8 * 10^6

convert to decimal notation.

8.26 x 10^7

To convert a number to scientific notation, follow these steps:

1. Count the number of decimal places you need to move the decimal point to the left or right to make the number between 1 and 10 (excluding 10).

In this case, the number is 1,800,000. To make it between 1 and 10, we need to move the decimal point 6 places to the left.

2. Write the number with its decimal point after the first non-zero digit.

After moving the decimal point 6 places to the left, the number becomes 1.8.

3. Write the power of 10 that represents the number of places the decimal point was moved.

Since we moved the decimal point 6 places to the left, the power of 10 is -6.

4. Combine the number from step 2 and the power of 10 from step 3 to write the number in scientific notation.

Therefore, 1,800,000 can be written in scientific notation as 1.8 x 10^6.