what items were found inside pyramids ?

which pyramids? When?



Inside pyramids, various items have been discovered by archaeologists over the years. These items primarily include burial goods and offerings to accompany the deceased pharaohs or nobles into the afterlife. Some common items found inside pyramids are:

1. Sarcophagi and coffins: The burial chambers contain elaborately decorated coffins or stone sarcophagi, which contained the mummified remains of the pharaohs or nobles.

2. Funerary masks: Intricately crafted masks made of gold or other precious materials would often cover the faces of the deceased rulers.

3. Jewelry: Pyramids contain a wealth of jewelry, such as necklaces, bracelets, anklets, and rings, often made from precious metals and gemstones.

4. Canopic jars: These jars were used to hold the internal organs of the deceased after the mummification process.

5. Statues and sculptures: Pyramids sometimes contain statues and sculptures of gods, goddesses, and the rulers themselves, representing their religious beliefs and aspirations for the afterlife.

6. Furniture and household items: Some pyramids contain furniture, chests, and other household items, intended to ensure that the deceased would enjoy a luxurious lifestyle in the afterlife.

7. Food and drink offerings: Vast quantities of food, wine, and other consumables were buried with the deceased, intended to sustain them in the afterlife.

These items provide valuable insights into the ancient Egyptian beliefs, customs, and craftsmanship. They are often carefully preserved and showcased in museums around the world today.