Put the following decimals in order from least to greadest.

0.480, 0.495, 0.523, 0.54


so its already in the right order? how come 0.54 is the biggest number? wouldn't it be the smallest because it doesnt have as many numbers?

it is in the right order.

.540 is the same as .54, both are greater than .523


Think of money.

Would you rather have $5.00 or $0.99?

Which is larger?

To put the decimals in order from least to greatest, you need to compare the values of each decimal. Comparing decimals involves looking at the digits to the right of the decimal point.

Let's compare the given decimals step by step:

1. Start with the smallest place value, which is the tenths place (the first digit to the right of the decimal point):
- 0.480 has a 4 in the tenths place.
- 0.495 also has a 4 in the tenths place.
- 0.523 has a 5 in the tenths place.
- 0.54 has a 4 in the tenths place.

2. As the 4 in the tenths place is common to all four decimals, move to the next decimal place, which is the hundredths place (the second digit to the right of the decimal point):
- 0.480 has an 8 in the hundredths place.
- 0.495 has a 9 in the hundredths place.
- 0.523 has a 2 in the hundredths place.
- 0.54 has a 0 in the hundredths place.

3. Now we can see that 0.523 has the smallest value in the hundredths place, so it should come before the other decimals.

Let's update our list so far:

4. Next, compare the thousandths place (the third digit to the right of the decimal point):
- 0.480 has a 0 in the thousandths place.
- 0.495 has a 5 in the thousandths place.
- 0.54 has no digit in the thousandths place.

Based on this comparison, the next decimal in the list should be 0.480 since it has the smallest value in the thousandths place.

Updated list:
0.523, 0.480

5. Lastly, compare the remaining decimals:
- 0.495 has a 9 in the thousandths place, which is greater than the 0 in the thousandths place in the other decimals.

Final list from least to greatest:
0.523, 0.480, 0.495, 0.54