Put the steps in order for changing the repeating decimal, which is rational, to a ratio or fraction.

0.523523... = what fraction?

1000x = 523.523523...
let x = 0.523523...
x = 523/999
999x = 523
subtract 1x = 0.523523...

The correct order of steps for changing the repeating decimal 0.523523... to a fraction or ratio is as follows:

1. Let x = 0.523523...
2. Multiply both sides of the equation by 1000 to eliminate the decimal places: 1000x = 523.523523...
3. Subtract x from both sides to get rid of the repeating decimal: 999x = 523
4. Divide both sides by 999 to solve for x: x = 523/999

Therefore, the correct fraction or ratio representation of 0.523523... is 523/999.