What are some reasons why some people would belive that the Day of the dead celebration is wrong?

Some of the activities during Day of the Dead seem ghoulish to me. Also, some might object to the pagan origins of this holiday.


Here is what a friend of mine wrote yesterday when asked if "Dia de los Muertos" and "Halloween" are two names for the same thing:

Yes, today is Dia de Los Muertos, also know as All Souls Day in the Roman Catholic Church & tomorrow is All Saints Day. It is different from Halloween so is not the translation of "Halloween." Today many honor their loved ones who are deceased & pray for their souls. The cemetery will be filled with families, food & music tonight. I think the closest translation for "Halloween" is "Dia de las brujas" (witches).

IN a Spanish dictionary, Hallowe'en is translated "víspera de Todos los Santos." Another name for "el Día de los Muertos" is "el Día de los Difuntos."

It's a lively time for the living and wine is poured on the graves, as well as leaving food. Why? Because the dead have not had anything to drink nor anything to eat for a whole year!


There may be various reasons why some people would believe that the Day of the Dead celebration is wrong. It's important to note that beliefs and opinions can vary greatly among individuals, and what one person considers wrong might not be viewed the same way by others. Here are a few possible reasons:

1. Religious Differences: Some individuals who adhere to certain religious beliefs may view the Day of the Dead as conflicting with their own religious doctrines or practices. They may consider the rituals surrounding the celebration, such as communicating with deceased ancestors or honoring spirits, as inappropriate or contrary to their faith.

2. Cultural Misunderstanding: Misunderstandings or lack of knowledge about the Day of the Dead may lead to misinterpretations or negative perceptions. Some individuals may not grasp the significance of the celebration as a way for people to remember and honor their deceased loved ones, mistaking it for a morbid or disrespectful practice.

3. Superstition and Fear: Some people may hold superstitious beliefs about death and consider it taboo or something that should not be celebrated. They could see the Day of the Dead as encouraging and glorifying death, which may lead to discomfort or fear.

4. Personal Trauma: Individuals who have experienced traumatic events related to death or loss may associate the Day of the Dead with their own painful experiences. This might make them view the celebration as insensitive or distressing.

5. Cultural Insensitivity: In certain cases, individuals might criticize or find fault with the Day of the Dead celebration due to a lack of cultural sensitivity or understanding. They may view it as appropriating or trivializing aspects of another culture without fully appreciating its significance.

Understanding these reasons can help facilitate respectful and informed discussions about different perspectives on the Day of the Dead celebration. It's important to approach such conversations with empathy, open-mindedness, and a willingness to learn from each other's viewpoints.