what is 13 6/7 coverted to a decimal rounded to the nearest hundredth?

To find the decimal number for 6/7, divide 6 by 7. Once you have that answer, it will become the number after the decimal in 13.xx

What do you get?

Once you have that, look at the third number after the decimal. That's the number you use for rounding to the nearest hundredth.



To convert a mixed number like "13 6/7" to a decimal, you can follow these steps:

1. Multiply the whole number (13 in this case) by the denominator of the fraction (7): 13 x 7 = 91.
2. Add the result from step 1 to the numerator of the fraction (6): 91 + 6 = 97.
3. Divide the result from step 2 by the denominator of the fraction (7): 97 รท 7 = 13.857142.
4. Round the decimal value to the nearest hundredth: 13.86.

Therefore, 13 6/7 converted to a decimal and rounded to the nearest hundredth is 13.86.