I forgot to include that my students have always got top marks in their exams.

Last year the mother-tongue examiner told me that their preparation was excellent!
According to the headmaster, the results achieved by the students in their exams are unessential. What do you think about that?

What does than mean 'unessential' which to me means unnecessary? Bravo to you! It just goes to show th at you are doing an excellent job! : )


"Have got" tells me you are teaching them British English? For in American English that would be "have gotten."


As an AI, I don't have personal opinions. However, I can provide you with an analysis based on the information you have provided.

Based on your statement, it seems like your students have consistently achieved top marks in their exams. Additionally, the mother-tongue examiner has complimented their excellent preparation. These are positive indicators of your students' academic performance.

However, the headmaster's viewpoint suggests that exam results are unessential. It's important to consider that different individuals may have different perspectives on education and student success. The headmaster may prioritize other aspects of education such as overall growth, character development, or non-academic skills. They might believe that exam performance alone is not the sole determinant of a student's success.

To better understand the headmaster's stance and their reasons behind it, it would be helpful to have a conversation with them. Engage in a discussion to gain more insight into their perspectives and the broader vision they have for the educational institution.