There are 35 students in Hollister’s Math Zoom Breakaway group. He plans to invite them to a GACA student gathering for middle schoolers. He asked them to suggest a location. 3 of every 7 students said Top Golf. How many students suggested Top Golf? How many did not?

3 students out of every 7 suggested Top Golf, so the fraction of students who suggested Top Golf is 3/7.

To find the number of students who suggested Top Golf, multiply the fraction by the total number of students: 3/7 * 35 students = <<3/7*35=15>>15 students.

The rest of the students did not suggest Top Golf: 35 students - 15 students = <<35-15=20>>20 students. Answer: \boxed{15}.

To find out how many students suggested Top Golf, we need to calculate 3/7 of the total number of students.

3/7 * 35 = 15

Therefore, 15 students suggested Top Golf.

To find out how many students did not suggest Top Golf, we subtract the number of students who suggested Top Golf from the total number of students.

35 - 15 = 20

Therefore, 20 students did not suggest Top Golf.

To find the number of students who suggested Top Golf, we first need to calculate 3/7 of the total number of students in Hollister's Math Zoom Breakaway group.

Step 1: Calculate the number of students who suggested Top Golf.
To find 3/7 of the total number of students, we multiply the total number of students by the fraction 3/7:
Number of students who suggested Top Golf = (3/7) * 35

To do this calculation, we can simplify the fraction 3/7:
3/7 = (3 * 5) / (7 * 5) = 15/35

Step 2: Calculate the number of students who suggested Top Golf.
Now we can substitute the simplified fraction into the formula:
Number of students who suggested Top Golf = (15/35) * 35 = 15

Therefore, 15 students suggested Top Golf.

Step 3: Calculate the number of students who did not suggest Top Golf.
To find the number of students who did not suggest Top Golf, we subtract the number of students who suggested Top Golf from the total number of students:
Number of students who did not suggest Top Golf = Total number of students - Number of students who suggested Top Golf

Number of students who did not suggest Top Golf = 35 - 15 = 20

Therefore, 20 students did not suggest Top Golf.