Describe two methods to convert 9/20 to a decimal.

Divide 9 by 20

Use this proportion. Cross multiply and solve for x.

9/20 = x/1

9 * 100% / 20 = 900 /20 = 45%


To convert the fraction 9/20 to a decimal, you can use two common methods: long division and calculator.

Method 1: Long Division
Step 1: Write down the fraction 9/20.
Step 2: Perform long division by dividing 9 by 20:
0.45 | 9
- 8
- 10
Step 3: The result of the long division is 0.45. Hence, 9/20 can be expressed as the decimal 0.45.

Method 2: Calculator
Step 1: Enter the fraction 9/20 in a calculator.
Step 2: Press the division (รท) button to perform the division.
Step 3: Read the result displayed on the calculator's screen.
The calculator will show 0.45 as the decimal equivalent of 9/20.

Both methods yield the same result, which is the decimal representation of 9/20.