What can be a qoute for scary sleepovers?

Are you asking about this book?


It is not a book I have to write a personal essay so I need a qoute to start the lead.

It might be a good idea to read the book (library? bookstore?) or at least part of it -- http://home.arcor.de/karger/uk-geist-en.htm#t -- and get some ideas that way. If you quote from the book, be sure to cite it correctly.

How about the last line of each stanza in his poem?



Also here -- click on LOOK INSIDE! to be able to read part of this book.

To find a quote for scary sleepovers, you can follow these steps:

1. Brainstorm: Think about the theme of scary sleepovers, which includes elements like fear, darkness, ghosts, or haunted settings. Come up with a few keywords or phrases related to these themes.

2. Research: Use search engines or quote websites to find quotes that match your keywords. Try searching for phrases such as "scary quotes about sleepovers" or "quotes about fear and darkness."

3. Refine: Browse through the quotes you find and choose the ones that resonate with you or fit the atmosphere you want to create. Consider the tone, the level of creepiness, and whether the quote captures the essence of a scary sleepover.

Here's an example of a quote that could be suitable for a scary sleepover theme:

"Darkness falls across the land, the midnight hour is close at hand. Creatures crawl in search of blood, to terrorize y'all's neighborhood." - Vincent Price

Remember, this is just one example, and there are countless quotes out there that can set the spooky tone for a scary sleepover.