The direction from San Antonio, Texas to New Orleans, Louisiana is northeast right?

No. Check this map. San Antonio is directly west of Houston.

Oops -- wrong map.

Try this one.

But isn't going to New Orleans from San Antonio northeast?

Going from San Antonio to New Orleans is directly east.

San Antonio is located at 29 degrees, 25 degrees north. New Orleans is at 29 degrees, 57 minutes north. I don't consider the difference of 27 minutes significant.

27 minutes is less than half a degree. In this situation, it is not significant.

To determine the direction from San Antonio, Texas to New Orleans, Louisiana, you can use a map or an online mapping service like Google Maps.

Here's how you can find the answer using Google Maps:

1. Open Google Maps on your computer or smartphone.
2. In the search bar, type "San Antonio, Texas" and press Enter or tap the search icon.
3. Once the map shows San Antonio, Texas, click on the "Directions" button (usually indicated by a blue arrow pointing to the right).
4. In the "Choose destination" field, type "New Orleans, Louisiana" and press Enter or tap the search icon.
5. Google Maps will calculate the directions, and you will see a blue line indicating the route from San Antonio to New Orleans.
6. At the top of the map, you will see the total distance and estimated travel time.
7. On the map, you can also find the compass rose, which indicates the cardinal directions (north, south, east, west).

Based on Google Maps, the direction from San Antonio, Texas to New Orleans, Louisiana is generally east. However, it is not exactly northeast. Please note that this is the general direction, and there might be variations due to specific route options or road conditions.